On June 22, 2018, Judge J. Randall Corman granted Kanner & Whiteley and co-counsel the Clark Law Firm and Kelly Law, P.C.’s motion for class certification and denied Defendant’s motion for summary judgment in Vetter v. Guaranteed Subpoena Service, Inc., MID-L-3650-16 (N.J. Super. Ct. Law Div.) (a lawsuit for deceptive and unconscionable business practices in violation of the Consumer Fraud Act). On December 31, 2018, Judge Corman denied Defendant Guaranteed Subpoena’s motion for reconsideration of the June 22 order, concluding that a jury could reasonably find that Guaranteed’s practice of retaining checks from customers for reimbursements despite their not being cashed by the payee was in fact a way to generate income and finding that plaintiffs had met the requirements for class certification. You can read the order here.

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